Saturday, April 17, 2010


So I have decided that Kendall is my Peter Pan.

I dont want to be Wendy...but I dont have a choice. I cant NOT grow up.

She wants to continue to be a kid for as long as she can....and she leads her merry band of lost boys with her. I wish I was joking. She has found her ring leader, Kyle, and they pretend to be in high school still....even though were getting closer and closer to 30 (I think Kendall actually hit it this year). They find people like dumpster Mike and Billy and Fish who wish they could relive that time in their life too....and all they do is sit in Pennys house and drink.

Even with as much as she is trying to....Kendall cant NOT grow up either. She is getting divorced, which we all knew was inevitable, but is also a rather grown up thing to do. Well, the divorce part of it...not the breaking up with someone part of it. She wanted Kevin to be Fish and when he wasnt.....well...... Fish is engaged now to someone that Kendall used to look up to and aspire to be like. She used to tell me about Shannon and how she shaped so much of herself based off her. I wonder how much their engagement is killing her...but then thats the joys of Kendall....even if you asked her she would never admit that it hurts her. To be honest, I dont think Kendall even admits it to herself.

For as long as I can remember Ive wanted to be an adult. Now that Im here....well....Im not sure what to do with myself.

Kendall was my best friend for years....and now I havent spoken with her in over a year. Its sad really. I miss my friend.

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