(blow off #1)
So last night after I dropped off K, J invited me to spend some time with her and P (just watch movies and make brownies). So I showed up there around 11pm to find J and P on the couch. We were just deciding what movie to watch when J got a phone call....we waited a while for her but she walked into the other room (we took that as a sign that she was going to be a while) so we started a movie. After about an hour and a half P started to fall asleep and J was still talking to her friend so I decided to take my leave. I said good bye to P and J had the door closed to the bedroom so I just left.
Now I must admit here that I was a tad bit heart broken because I had driven over there all the way from Lawrence to see her and she couldnt even take the time to get off the phone and see me. Oh well. I figured that it wasnt a big deal because we were supposed to meet up the next morning.
(blow off #2)
This morning I got a text message saying that J was really tired this morning and needed more sleep - but that she would be there later. Well later came and went and by the time she woke up (if she had showered and come over) we would have only gotten to see each other for about an hour. This is the text I got that officially meant she was blowing me off.
J 1/30/2008 9:38 am - I am sorry slow moving today - major muscle spasms in my chest - i do not want to blow u off - it might be 1030- 1100 b4 i could get there. So should i still come or do u want me to come straight from class tomorrow? My class is over @ 945 - so i could be to u by 1030 - i do not want to hurt u or blow u off - i also know u need to be @ work - let me know what u are thinking
S 1/30/2008 9:40 am - Its up to u... If u want to come over for a bit then come on over...if u want to wait till tomorrow then thats fine too. I dont want u to be in pain
J 1/30/2008 9:41 am - I dont want to disappoint you
S 1/30/2008 9:41 am - U tell me what u want to do....whatever that is is ok with me
J 1/30/2008 9:45 am - Well @ this point i cant even get into the bathroom to take a shower p is in there - so maybe tomorrow 1 becuz i am in pain & 2 becuz i would like to spend more than an hour with you
Frau Farbissina comes to mind at this point with her line - "Lies...all lies!!"
Pick Me Up.
4 years ago