ok so Im going to do the readers digest condensed version of events.
Friday - Told P and J that I was bailing on dinner after waking up there that morning because I was starting to get frustrated with P and wanted to see J more and more (I decided I needed space). K called in the evening and I answered. I went up to visit her ....because.....well 1. I wanted to and 2. she told me she was going to jail. She begged me to stay the night - I wouldnt stay in Lawrence so she came home with me.
Saturday - Woke up with K and went back up to the north shore where I puttered around with her shopping and doing other things till about 1pm. I came home and went to my best friends baby shower (cute but boring after the first hour). I was hoping to have dinner with J but that didnt pan out so I went back up to Lawrence to get K.
baby shower theme

Sunday - Woke up with K again and spent a nice relaxing day. Things are VERY loving and its very very different - I wonder if things will stay that way. She keeps telling me things are so different and that the last 2 weeks have really opened her eyes. I told her she has to learn to treat me like I deserve to be treated and that she has treated me horribly up till now.
Monday - Woke up with K and she dropped me off at work. K took the car to go to the post office in Chelmsford to try and get her mail stopped and she to see her niece who is in the hospital because she just had a baby. J stopped into work unannounced (probably the nicest surprise Ive had in a very long time) and I stood talking with her for almost an hour. During that time K came by the store to pick up the apartment key. It was weird having them overlap. Made plans with J for Thursday (my day off) and she brought up Wednesday morning (I was shocked - I guess she does want to see me more than I think she does). K picked me up and I went home with her. She and I made dinner then went to bed.
Tuesday - Woke up with K - I was supposed to drop her off at home this morning but didnt because I was too lazy (I didnt want to fight traffic) so I have to go home to night and drop her off. Things kinda slipped back into normal state for a few minutes. I woke up and rolled over and asked her if she minded if I dropped her off tonight and she said to me...I dont want this to be a fight about me going home. I immediately got rankled...and was like fine not a big deal at all ....lets get up so I can drop you off. No skin off my nose if you want to go home now I was just hoping you wouldnt mind waiting cause I dont want to be late for work. She changed her tune right away then used the excuse that she had just woken up. Interesting. We will see how things go. Got a call from J who saw KT at school this morning and she made J feel bad. I wonder what KT has that I dont. I asked her if we were still on for wednesday morning and she said yes unless I had changed my mind. I told her no I had not changed my mind.
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