So P brought J into my work. I have kinda always thought that J was attractive...since the first time I met her- No it wasnt her geeky funny quality that I liked but the kinda cute butch thing. I knew I was in trouble because I kept looking for her and trying to get P to bring her around. So our friendship kinda blossomed out from just talking to each other when P was there to talking about P to having our first meet up this morning. The meeting did not have the best intentions....but nothing came of it other than she made me cry and she held me.
Anyway so something new I learned from this morning is that P is in love with me. Not good. I know Im not in love with her. After spending some time with her I just feel this itching need to get away from her...and I KNOW I wasnt in love with her because of that.
The other things Ive been doing is - 1. I went to trivia in JP at James Gate 2. I signed up for a meet up to watch the L word on Sunday 3. I signed up for a lesbian book club on Feb 24th Scarrry.
Pick Me Up.
4 years ago
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