Tuesday, October 28, 2008

blog obsessions

Ok so the two blogs I have on the right ----->

Are my blog obsessions.


For as long as I can remember Ive had eczema (though its been in the last year that Ive been able to spell it). When I was a kid I remember getting it really bad on my inner arms and behind my knees - which sucked but I was able to cover it with pants and shirts. In the last 4 years or so it has decided to start on my face. yay for me right?
sometimes it looks like severely chapped lips but K has pretty much told me that sometimes it looks like herpes of the mouth. Ummm ewww. I definitely do NOT have herpes.
I had kinda learned to ignore it...and for the most part the customers that I deal with have never noticed (at least no one has said anything about it) until yesterday when I had a customer comment on it. Well that made me realize that I really need to do something about it. what? I dont know...but something.

I love the smell of seasons.

Although today smells like a very early cold spring day...not a late fall day. Maybe its the rain.

I love rainy days

Lately K has been worrying me. She keeps mentioning how she misses her sister. Thank goodness her sister probably called the cops on her .... so she doesn't dare call her.

Im still undecided if I want to stay with K. She announced to me yesterday that if I did want her to leave...her friend Chris called...and said K could move in with her. I dont know.

Monday, October 27, 2008

treading water

Sometimes I feel like Im treading water.

I dont know if Im supposed to be here - at work, at home, at life.

I feel like I should be somewhere else...with someone else....living a better life than I have.

Ive been really feeling it for the last 2 weeks or so.

K and I have been fighting. She says Ive changed. I say I have too. But what can you do?

Im stuck.

At work - I cant afford the pay cut I would take if I switched to a job I loved. Im restless.
At home - I dont know if I want to be with K anymore. Shes always sick, always hurting, never working....I cant support the both of us for the rest of my life. I wont do it. Im only 25.

Sometimes it feels so overwhelming that I want to cry. And sometimes I feel content. And sometimes I feel happy.

I think this last injury has really put me over the edge.
K fell last sunday getting out of the shower. We were getting ready to go to King Richards Faire in Carver...and I woke her up to get ready. Then when she was getting out of the shower she fell (because she was so messed up on her bi-polar sleeping medication). It knocked the wind out of her...and probably cracked a few ribs. Shes been laid up ever since.
When I met K...she had a broken foot. She milked that for all it was worth. Then she was having bad headaches....which was because of disc deneration and bone spurs in her neck. Now cracked ribs. Shes never fixed and whole.

If she did leave:
who would look after the puppy?
how would I pay rent? (she gets a monthly check that does help out a little bit)
would I be happier?
what if I miss her?
would I be making a mistake?
would I ever find real love again? (cause I know she does love me)

Saturday, October 18, 2008


So yes... this is how much of a loser I am. I spent a whole night just carving my pumpkin....into a spider. Which is ironic because we are constantly killing spiders at my house...so K asked me why I wanted to turn my pumpkin into another one.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

seriously jaded

Ok so the longer I work in retail....the more I hate people. Pretty much all people. Isnt that sad?
It has created in me some very interesting pet peeves:

Please learn to speak english. I dont speak another language....so yelling at me in a language I dont understand dosent help you or me.

On that same note - why yell at me? I didnt create the policy's....I just get to keep my job by following them. Yelling at me just makes me hate my job, you, and all of humanity. Plus it ruins your day - unless you like yelling....

A manufactures warranty does NOT cover YOUR stupidity. Its not the manufactures fault that you dropped your cell phone in the toilet.

Listen. Im not just speaking to you because I like the sound of my own voice. I am trying to convey information to you. Please dont make me repeat myself ten times.

I work on commission. I am not here to walk you through every aspect of your phone - they come with a manual for a reason.

I cannot let you out of your two year contract. Even if you tell me that you will sue me. We have a multi-million dollar law team who works solely to ensure we do not break any laws.

If you come in and give me attitude I will be the most unhelpful person in the world. Be nice.

I dont care if you ARE married to the account holder. If your name isnt on the account I cant do anything for you. I mean who knows...you could be in the middle of a messy divorce and just want to mess with your husbands/wifes account.

No I cannot waive your activation fees, upgrade fees, phone fees, or anything else.

No you dont get a free car charger/case/earpiece just because youve been a customer since 1763 (which btw we have not been around that long....so dont tell me youve been a customer for 20+ yrs).

If you do not pay your bill we will shut off your service. period.