Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Turkey Day

I know - Turkey day is usually in November....but today we had a wild turkey plop itself outside our store (he scared customers and we fed him french fries).

So I met K's mom and it went SHOCKINGLY well. I thought she was awesome and K said her mom liked me. Im glad for numerous reasons - one of which is its nice to see that K has a semi normal family member and its nice that shes getting close to her. I really hated it when she was talking to her sister and her nephew because (and she and I talked about this through part of the car ride home from the northshore) it was always about them. They expected her to drop everything she was doing to be with them and they expected her to wait on them hand and foot (which in my opinion is rediculous - my kid, especially if he loved her as much as her nephew said he did, would NEVER EVER let an adult wait on them like that - maybe I was just raised differently).

Friday, April 4, 2008

The cat

Ok so Ive never owned a cat before in my life - my mother hated them. I guess it all stemmed from when my mother was in college and owned a cat. The cat woke her up one night by attacking her and my mother had to throw her off the bed wrapped in a blanket and run out the apartment to get away from her. When she arrived home the next day (she went to sleep at her parents when that happened) the cat had died from distemper. So since then my mother has always said that you cant trust cats.

Well as any good lesbian when I came out I ended up with a cat. It was not intentional at all to be honest. K had a cat who was pregnant with kittens (the kittens were born on Christmas day) and when she decided to get rid of her cat and the kittens I decided to keep one of them. She is so cute - isnt she?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pay Day

ok so K got paid today then almost went to visit a friend on the northshore. Im so glad she didnt. I would have been sick to my stomach the entire time. Then she went and spent some of her money on a scratch ticket and hit for $150. I never win those things. ugh!

So we go to visit her mom on Sunday. I have to admit - Im nervous. Everything she (and her sister and niece and nephews) used to tell me is that her mother is a horrible human being who can sprout horns and a pitch fork at needless to say Im worried. As I think Ive posted before K has stopped talking to her sister (for many reasons but it sums up to her sister is a horrible manipulative person who doesn't want to see K with anyone because it takes away from "their" time together - weird eh?) Anywho back to the mother situation. So she and her mom hadn't talked in years but they reconnected after K and her sister stopped talking. Im glad K has some family because everyone should have that. We made a date to go up to K's moms house for Sunday April 6th and I was fine with that (parents tend to like me - Im a goody goody and I know it) and then after we made that she told me that her mother has never liked any of her girlfriends. great. perfect. how lovely for me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Apartment

Ok so Ive officially moved into my new apartment and I have to say - you never know how much you miss a dishwasher till you don't have one.

Things have been good with K. Shes going to be going back to work in 3 weeks at the same place she used to before. Im worried for her....really worried. She'll be back on the northshore where she gets into all her trouble. She swears that the guys that used to work there that did drugs are no longer employed but Im still scared.

Digression -
Ok so I work with the public all day long and there are just some women that I see that are married or have boyfriends that I just want to look at and say "come on...stop...its ok to come out now." I realize that I have absolutely NO gay-dar so if you're setting off MY gay-dar then jeeze...

I saw J one day last week but havent really gotten to talk to her lately. Tho aparently her ex H (who came in to upgrade her cell phone with me and now txt messages me randomly- for those of you that dont know...I work for an at&t store in MA so if youre looking for at&t cell phone service COME SEE ME!) told J that she and I were friends and made it sound like we talk all the time. That was a little weird but I guess H is controlling - not that I blame her because J did cheat on her a fair amount.