Saturday, April 24, 2010

Another yr older....

So I am officially 27.

um.....I never thought Id get to the point where I wasnt looking forward to birthdays anymore....but thats the point Im at this year.

I think Ive given up on that dom. Im not sure if I posted this or not but she started talking to me again. She claimed that her ex had taken her phone away from her and she said she was sorry....but she still has yet to come back at me with a date to meet. Whatever, thats fine....but I am quickly reaching the end of my patience.

So this is my dissillusioned & cranky happy birthday wish to myself.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


So I have decided that Kendall is my Peter Pan.

I dont want to be Wendy...but I dont have a choice. I cant NOT grow up.

She wants to continue to be a kid for as long as she can....and she leads her merry band of lost boys with her. I wish I was joking. She has found her ring leader, Kyle, and they pretend to be in high school still....even though were getting closer and closer to 30 (I think Kendall actually hit it this year). They find people like dumpster Mike and Billy and Fish who wish they could relive that time in their life too....and all they do is sit in Pennys house and drink.

Even with as much as she is trying to....Kendall cant NOT grow up either. She is getting divorced, which we all knew was inevitable, but is also a rather grown up thing to do. Well, the divorce part of it...not the breaking up with someone part of it. She wanted Kevin to be Fish and when he wasnt.....well...... Fish is engaged now to someone that Kendall used to look up to and aspire to be like. She used to tell me about Shannon and how she shaped so much of herself based off her. I wonder how much their engagement is killing her...but then thats the joys of Kendall....even if you asked her she would never admit that it hurts her. To be honest, I dont think Kendall even admits it to herself.

For as long as I can remember Ive wanted to be an adult. Now that Im here....well....Im not sure what to do with myself.

Kendall was my best friend for years....and now I havent spoken with her in over a year. Its sad really. I miss my friend.

Monday, April 12, 2010

high ramblings

So here I am....thinking about that fucking dom again. I just cant get her out of my mind.

It drives me crazy that for 2 months I had someone....who told me she would do every fantasy Ive ever had....or ever even thought of having and now shes just gone. For no reason. With no explanation.

I have, in my high state tonight, come up with a new theory for why I got dropped like a hot potato. She kept saying how messed up her life was....and how everything seemed to be going wrong (things did seem to keep happening...a string of very bad luck). I wonder if she thought I was the cause of all her problems. I never discussed with her if she was religious or superstitious but at least this give me an explanation as to why I would get dropped so suddenly.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Ive been meaning to post my pathetic flooding pictures. This is nothing compared to a few of my friend in Rhode Island who actually had to evacuate their apartment due to flooding (theyre still not bad in yet....the eta is Wed to finally move back in)

I swear this woman was going to lose her car at some point....I still dont know why she didnt move it.

So throwing away my trash has been an adventure....I dont own rain boots.....and that green thing in the middle of the pond that used to be the parking lot is the dumpster. Fun times.

Weakness in me

So I let her come back ....but just to stay for a few days (definitely NOT permanently- I like having my apartment to myself too much)

I think I let her back because Im kind of heart broken about this dom. I realize that I am not allowing myself to feel it...either because of denial or because I guarded my heart well this time. Either way - I know Im upset about it and my pride definitely hurts. The sad thing is I feel like I keep going back to kelly because of it.

The whole thing makes me think of this song:
Why do you come here
When you know Ive got troubles enough
Why do you call me
When you know I cant answer the phone

And made me lie
When I dont want to
Make someone else some kind of an unkowing fool
Make me stay
When I should not
Are you so strong or is all the weakness in me

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oh Hell No

What. The. Fuck.

Yup I dont even know what else to say to this:
(background story: I called Kel on easter because I wanted to see her again. When she called me back hours later I could tell she was high. She claimed she was drunk and out at a bar...but come on - a bar on easter? at 2 am? yeah right.)

Apr 6, 2010 11:05 AM
Whats up?
Can I come home for a month or so
Steph i know your mad at me but you need to let up a little and call me or text me. I know you miss me. So please lets not play the not talking game.

All of those were from her....randomly this morning.
I cant decide to respond with ...."fuck you", "hell no", "I dont want your drama anymore", "go try one of your other whores because thats how youve decided to treat me", or just not respond at all.

The more I think on it...the more baffled I am. Not even an apology. Nothing. She has such big balls.

I wonder when shes being evicted.
Another bridge shes burned.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Im in a mood Im going to swear more than usual. (This is what it sounds like to talk to me usually)

Ok so I created my twitter account....mostly to follow certain celebs (*cough*lindsay*cough*lohan*cough*samantha*cough) but dont tell anyone I know because Ill deny deny deny it.
Anywaaay - so I actually found a real life friend on there....and now the anonimity that I so adored with twitter is gone. I cant make my posts sappy, pathetic, and stupid like I was doing before....I actually have to think about what Im posting and try to be witty. Damn. Too much work for me. Thank god for blogger because I know that noone reads this damn thing.

So the top I was talking to went on vacation for a week...and now I havent heard from her since (its been 2 weeks). I figured with the holiday that she was probably busy but I dont know now. The only reason Im hesitatant to give up on her was because she was fucking perfect. She was exactly what I was looking for....and I had even met her and KNEW I liked her. Sigh.

Then Kelly....who has been in and out of my life/apartment since we broke up. First she would stop by for a day, then two, then three, then a she got paid so I havent heard from her since then. When am I going to stop letting her use me?! I think Im just a sucker for someone who can say "I love you". I blame my parents. I dont think I heard it enough as a kid. Its so easy to blame them. (on a side note - that the exact reason that I dont want kids. No matter how hard you try or how good of a parent you are - your kids still resent/blame you)

I am ok living on my own when I have shit to distract me....I had that top and W.O.W. to distract me for a while but now Im back on that slippery slope into depression. I hate this feeling.