Monday, March 16, 2009


Ok so I know its been over a week since the finale but Im still irritated by it.

I mean! They didnt answer any questions, there were no happy endings, we didnt get to see enough Lucy Lawless....I mean come on! If youre going to have Lucy Lawless as a guest star then have LOTS of her on the screen.


I realize that there was a rediculous amount of focus on the "unfinished railing" so in all probability she fell due to that....but at least freakin TELL US!

I wanted to see lots of things I didnt get to during this last episode. If I had my way this is what would have happened:
Shane - breaks up with Jenny and gets back together with Molly and lives happily ever after.
Tina - stops trying to see the good in Jenny and moves with Bette to NY.
Bette - gets to kill Jenny. I think she deserves it.
Alice - breaks up with Tasha (I didnt like them from the begining) and dates Melanie Lynsky
Max - gives Bette and Tina his baby and lives happily as a man
Helena - runs away with me. (who doesnt want a rich, gorgeous, woman with an accent??)
Kit - lives happily ever after with her man...errrr wo-man.
Jenny - dies but not before she gets to see how horrible a person she was to mess with everyones lives.

Anyway they announced some BS about watching the interrogation tapes online each week. People you canceled the show, made it a REALLY short season, AND made a shitty finale. Why would I want to watch more?

1 comment:

LP Sutton said...

It was a seriously disappointing finale!